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Call for Papers on Visual Culture in the Indian Subcontinent

Call for Papers on Visual Culture in the Indian Subcontinent

The Chitrolekha Magazine is inviting articles, essays and photo essays on the visual culture on the Indian subcontinent right from the prehistoric to the modern times. Submissions can be made on the following topics/areas (not exclusive but suggestive):

We cordially invite your opinions, suggestions for inclusion of other topics and contributions to the topics.

Word-limit: 2000-5000 words (including notes and references)

Style-sheet to follow: APA

Contact: Tarun Tapas Mukherjee & Sreecheta Mukherjee at and

Submission Deadline September 30, 2015.

Expected Schedule of Publication: December, 2015.

Detailed Submission Guidelines:

***Chitrolekha is included in many major international directories including EBSCOHOST***

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