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Artist Books and Art Zines: Past and Present

Manmeet Sandhu

PhD Research scholar, Department of Fine Arts (College of Art), Faculty of Music and Fine Arts, University of Delhi . ORCID: 0000-0003-4466-1401. Email:

  Volume 4, Number 2, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/cjad.42.v4n201


The paper is a study of art zines, related ephemera and artist books as well as their historical and conceptual relevance in the study of art. The aim is to look into the precursors and influences to the same and how zines, especially art zine and artists’ books evolved to their contemporary state.  Zines are magazine/ books like, though more content-specific, primarily self- published and are produced in limited editions. On the other hand,  artists’ books can be self published or gallery/ patron sponsored with limited or sometimes no copies to maintain the exclusivity. The paper will look into similar examples from art history, before the contemporary terms were formulated, in order to understand their origin, conceptual and contextual relevance in the history of visual art.

Keywords –zines, art zines, Artists Books, Livre d’ artists, fem-zines.

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