VR devices are now part of the world’s gaming industry. VR is here to make the gaming experience more immersive. The potential for these VR devices to play video games is huge, but it is very rarely found and used by gamers in Indonesia. VR devices are more often used found in campus computer laboratories for experimentation, or as a learning process, and the gamers in Indonesia also don’t see VR devices as a new medium to get new experiences in playing games. This paper raises several issues regarding the future of VR in Indonesia.

Sigied Himawan Yudhanto1, Faizal Risdianto2

1Departement of Visual Communication Design Associate’s degree Programme, Vocational School Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. ORCID: 0000-0002-2827-0067. Email: sigiedhy@staff.uns.ac.id

2English Education Department, UIN Salatiga, Email: faizalrisdianto@uinsalatiga.ac.id

Volume 7, Number 1, 2023 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21659/cjad.71.v7n102


VR devices are now part of the world’s gaming industry. VR is here to make the gaming experience more immersive. The potential for these VR devices to play video games is huge, but it is very rarely found and used by gamers in Indonesia. VR devices are more often used found in campus computer laboratories for experimentation, or as a learning process, and the gamers in Indonesia also don’t see VR devices as a new medium to get new experiences in playing games. This paper raises several issues regarding the future of VR in Indonesia.

Keywords: Gamers, Indonesia, Video games, VR